B2B lead generation is so critical to a brand’s success that companies spent thousands of dollars a month on it. However, without a well-defined strategy, these tactics end up at their minimal effectiveness.
B2B lead generation involves marketing techniques used to generate leads for a salesperson to follow-up with. It requires generating inbound leads and converting them into sales to drive revenue for your business. Lead generation tactics such as email marketing, writing for the reader (emails and letters), creating effective emails, creating a content calendar, creating an editorial calendar, writing on LinkedIn, blogging and press releases, are all included to build an online audience.
If you do a reality check, the B2B buyer demographics has changed considerably and so has the buying landscape. Which is why you need to incorporate the latest B2B lead generation tactics that most organizations have already implemented in their digital marketing campaigns. In this article, we’re going to walk you through the most effective lead generation tactics for B2B sales, clearly explaining how it can be used to generate more qualified leads and close more sales.
1. Generate a targeted list of business contacts
Your sales leads database is your asset. As a business owner or entrepreneur, one of the most important steps you should take is to generate a targeted list of business contacts, potential customers and clients.
Begin by determining who your ideal customer is, probably someone who has a genuine need for your product or service offering. Then you need to identify the organizations and key decision-makers you wish to target and get in touch with. Make sure your ideal customer works for one of these organizations. Dig out the contact information from social media, the company website and press releases among many others. Make a quick call and validate the contact details just to ensure your list of business contacts is not mere junk.
2. Create high-quality content to generate B2B leads
Nothing beats high-quality, original, interesting and informative B2B content when it comes to generating leads. Companies who share interesting content, such as videos or blog articles, definitely have an upper hand in getting more B2B leads. Of course, in order to make this work, it is important to do extensive research on the language and content you use, ensuring that you post blogs or videos that your clients like and enjoy.
SEO can be a powerful tool for marketing any business. A strong content marketing strategy is essential to win in SEO, provided it uses valuable information that your target audience can benefit from. Find out who your target audience is and write high-quality content for them.
3. Send cold emails
The B2B lead generation journey doesn’t end with a conversion. It is a continuous cycle consisting of nurturing the lead, making the sale and retaining the customer. The journey begins with a targeted, cold email that is designed to build a rapport and show engagement, so the prospect is more likely to read the entire email, click-through to your website and engage with your company. If the prospect is still on the fence at this point, follow up with a relevant call, email or script.
The cold email has the following components:
- a strong subject line (2-3 sentences)
- a personalized intro that is written in the first-person,
- a short, conversational call to action, and
- a closing that is individually tailored to your audience
Reputed digital marketing agencies like igenr8 have 1,00,000+ email addresses that are hand-sorted and are used to create value for businesses of all sizes.
4. Identify and speak with decisions-makers
Make a list of your top 5 to 10 target accounts and begin searching for those decision-makers. You can find them by browsing through the company’s website, talking to sales reps and getting a list of “who to contact” from the company. Make excellent use of LinkedIn Sales Navigator and any other social media resource you are comfortable with to identify the key decision-makers at your target organizations.
Once you have identified these decision-makers, start meaningful conversations with them. Undoubtedly, it is a hurdle to speak to the decision-makers but if you play your cards right you will be speaking with the right person who is able to say “yes” or “no” without discussing with a hundred other bosses.
5. Use follow-up to re-engage prospects
Prospects benefit from personalized follow-up. Of course, this follow-up can be very one-sided, but it also gives you the opportunity to maintain the relationship over time once the prospect has expressed interest.
One of the most effective B2B lead generation tactic is to regularly follow-up to re-engage prospects. Send an email with just the subject line and stay on a short and sweet note to capture the attention of the individual you are contacting. If you have a compelling offer that doesn’t require a lot of interaction, you should be able to get this done in under five minutes.
6. Flexible with script
When used correctly, cold calling and cold emailing can be powerful marketing tools to reach your target market, generate sales and close more prospective customers as quickly as possible. In fact, cold calling and cold emailing can be a great way to connect with decision-makers.
However, you need to create scripts that keep you focused on the prospect and not yourself. You also have to know your prospect and be able to build trust through the use of storytelling. This is why you need to be flexible with the script and tweak it a bit here and there to change the way words fall into place without changing the core theme.
7. Use LinkedIn for B2B lead generation
LinkedIn is also high up on the list for the most effective B2B lead generation tactics. In fact, it allows you to target very specific criteria and you also get the opportunity to reach C-level decision makers from companies of interest as well as leads.
Treat LinkedIn as your second website and make sure you set up your corporate profile in such a way so as to create a great first impression to your target audience. Regularly post relevant and intriguing feeds to gain the interest of your followers. Remember to add value by ensuring your feeds are full of valuable tips, insights and pieces of interactive elements. More the interactions, higher will be the brand awareness you get.
8. Show your product and service value
The world of business is constantly changing. Up-and-coming industries are disrupted by the next big thing while long-standing ones are completely reinvented. Some of the most successful companies in the world have been forced to reinvent their business models to stay competitive in the face of new and disruptive technologies. Most of the time, it takes time for companies to adapt to these changes.
No matter what product or service you sell, there will always be someone else offering the same thing. The best way to become the best is to showcase your product/service value and constantly improve or find ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
9. Improve sales conversion with Live Chat
Live Chat is the most effective way to generate B2B leads and it’s also the most cost-effective way for you to communicate with your customers. It’s been proven to generate the highest response rates and the best quality leads. Customer service representatives deliver more than 11,000 messages each month making it the best-performing channel for lead generation.
The good news is that it’s easy to use live chat from your phone, laptop or desktop. You can also use live chat from any browser, without installing any software. It allows visitors to immediately interact with a company, rather than just reading an ad or buying a product. It also gives the company a chance to build a relationship with the visitor, which can help them when the visitor is ready to buy.
10. Sales and marketing association
Make sure your sales and marketing tactics are in perfect alignment without conflicting each other. To achieve it, you need to have a clear understanding of lead quality and where marketing will give way to sales. Both sales and marketing can work in unison to create campaigns, content and ideas that will generate the best leads.
11. Community participation
Building an online customer community is a strategy many B2B organizations are slowly discovering. Through the use of the internet, social media, and search engine optimization, community participation is one of the most effective B2B lead generation strategies that can build a large network of prospective customers, increase brand awareness and generate leads for your business.
It’s quite easy to build an online community but extremely hard to nurture and maintain. The latest trend that is catching on to ensure active community participation is the introduction of recognition programs for customers who bring in the most additional customers through subtle word of mouth marketing through online communities. Give it a try and see your online customer community turn into a powerful source of lead generation.
12. Use social media to maximize your leads
Social media allows you to refine your lead generation process by allowing for a more targeted approach. 62% of marketers believe social networks such as LinkedIn can be used to generate leads. It provides a platform for brands and businesses to interact with potential customers. Social media advertising is also very effective. It’s rare that you meet someone without a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account. These sites allow you to set up location, age and gender as well as interests.
igenr8 is a leading marketing consulting services dedicated to B2B companies. Our primary focus is to provide lead generation services to B2B sectors and our team handles every aspect of a client’s top-of-the-sales-funnel needs, from building targeted sales leads lists to B2B appointment setting with qualified prospects. If you are looking for a good B2B lead generation company, reach out to igenr8 for growing your business.